Integrative Therapies

A variety of new treatment models are available to therapists today.   In treating complex cases, I believe it is important to have a large toolbox and to remain flexible, practical and integrative. 

Therapists need a clear decision making process to help them choose the right modality for each client from assessment thru case conceptualization and treatment planning.

I have been trained in the following modalities and integrate them into my work:

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a comprehensive approach based on the newest findings of how information is stored in the brain.  EMDR has been clincially proven to accelerate the treatment of a wide range of problems related both to past traumatic events and present life conditions.  This interactive approach offers a reprocessing of disturbing life experiences resulting in a significant reduction or elimination of symptoms such as emotional distress, intrusive thoughts and flashbacks.  EMDR can also be used to treat relationship problems as well as anxiety, depression, complicated grief reactions and phobias.  It can also alleviate performance anxiety at work, on the playing field and in the performing arts.

For more information go to

SE (Somatic Experiencing) is a mind-body technique for resolving trauma symptoms and relieving chronic stress. SE teaches that trauma is not caused by the event itself, but develops through the failure of the body and nervous system to process adverse events. This therapy provides a framework to assess where a person is "stuck" - in fight, flight, freeze or collapse responses and provides the clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. By facilitating the completion of self-protective motor responses and the release of thwarted survival energy bound in the body, SE addresses the root cause of trauma symptoms. The therapist gently guides the client to develop increasing tolerance for difficult body sensations and suppressed emotions and resets the nevous system.  The result is enhanced resilience to stress and an increase in vitality and the capacity to actively engage in life.

For more information go to

IFS (Internal Family Systems) is an integrative approach that combines systems thinking with the view that the mind is made up of parts.  IFS believes that everyone has a true Self that has healing qualities of curiosity, connectedness and compassion.  The therapist's job is to help the client untangle themselves from their parts and access more of Self.  Each part needs to be listened to and understood so the part's rigid defensive position can be transformed into a more flexible and helpful one. IFS is very effective with a wide variety of life issues, such as self-esteem, procrastination, depression and relationship issues.  Clients report feelings of deep mindfulness, full-bodied attention and centered awareness.

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